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Boards & Committees

Governance Committees
  • Executive Committee -  Steering committee for the Valley of Denver
    Contact: Ron Birely, 33°, Valley Personal Representative -

  • Scottish Rite Foundation of Colorado -  501(c)(3) charitable organization which supports the RiteCare Childhood Language Program
    Contact: Bryant Harris, 32° KCCH, Executive Secretary -

  • Finance Committee -  Reviews and makes recommendations on the Valley of Denver
    Contact: Bartley Corfee , 33°, Chairman -

  • Scottish Rite Cathedral Association -  Advisory board responsible for overseeing facility repairs, income, and expenses
    Contact: Steve Jaouen, 33°, President -

  • Scottish Rite Masonic Center (SRMC) -  Manages endowment funds and other fund raising activities to sustain the operations and maintenance of the SRMC
    Contact: Gene Hardy, 33°, President -

  • Scottish Rite Properties (SRP), Inc. -  Responsible for managing income from the land lease of our adjoining property south of the SRMC
    Contact: Scott Bates, 32° KCCH, President -

  • Almoner's Fund -  Coordinates provision of relief for the distressed
    Contact: Joe Kier, 33°, Almoner - Contact: Danny Tomlinson, 32° KCCH, Asst. -

Officer Lines
  • Centennial Lodge of Perfection -  (4° through 14°) Officer line responsible for business activities
    Contact: R. Gene Hardy, 33°, Venerable Master -

  • Rocky Mountain Chapter of Rose Croix -  (15° through 18°) Officer line responsible for relief activities
    Contact: Pablo Colomban, 32° KCCH, Wise Master -

  • Colorado Council of Kadosh -  (19° through 30°) Officer line responsible for membership activities
    Contact: Loren W. Kohler, 32° KCCH, Commander -

  • Denver Consistory -  (31° through 32°) Officer line responsible for education activities (see Education Committee below)
    Contact: Dean A. McConnell, 32° KCCH, Master of Kadosh -

  • Knights of Saint Andrew -  Black hat service organization
    Contact: Anthony S Clark, 32°, Venerable Master -

Reunion CommitteesA board room with table and chairs
  • Director General -  Responsible for all ritual and degree work
    Contact: Keith Anderson, 33° -

  • Class Committee -  Responsible for navigation and information for the class during the Reunion
    Contact: Dan Conway, 33° -

  • Journey to the Scottish Rite -  Responsible for candidate instruction and preparation for the Reunion
    Contact: Dan Conway, 33° -

  • Costumes Committee -  Dress/undress degree cast, maintains and evaluates costumes
    Co-Chair: Richard D. Silver, 32° KCCH - Co-Chair: Trey Perrin, 32° KCCH -

  • Audio, Video, and Lighting Chairman -  Overall responsibility for lighting, sound, and projection activities within the building
    Contact: Don Marshall, 33° -
    • Audio Committee -  Microphone and soundboard operation
    • Lighting Committee -  Responsible for light settings and operation
    • Video Committee -  Computer-operated overhead projection

  • Makeup Committee -  Apply makeup, wigs, etc. and maintain work area
    Contact: Jered Minter, 32° KCCH -

  • Music Committee -  Provides live performances of music when needed
    Contact: John Trainor, 33° -

  • Digital Media Committee -  Responsible for historic preservation, public promotion, and digital presentation training.
    Contact: Scott Olson, 32° KCCH -

  • Property Committee -  Responsible for sets, props, and equipment on the floor
    Contact: Bart Wegner, 32° KCCH -
    • Stage Committee -  Responsible for the backdrops, curtains, and stage equipment and setup

  • Script Management -  Distribute, update, and maintain the integrity of degree scripts
    Contact: Tom Thompson, 33° -

  • Rose Croix Funeral Team -  Performs the Scottish Rite funeral service
    Contact: Tom Repp, 32° KCCH -

  • Communications Committee -  Locates needed people for information during the reunion
    Contact: Milton Bonham, 32°-

  • Photography -  Takes official portraits and event photos for publications and archives
    Contact: John Moreno, 33°-

  • Tilers -  Validates membership credentials and secures facility
    Contact: Dick Mitchell, 33° -

  • Masonic Lodge Ritual Support -  Assists Blue Lodges with training and degree work when requested

  • Speakers Bureau -  Provides Masonic/Scottish Rite education when requested

Membership Committees
  • Membership Chairman -  Overall coordination of membership committees
    Contact: Dan Rivers, 32° KCCH -

  • Ambassadors -  Active Blue Lodge and Scottish Rite Masons who can represent the Denver Scottish Rite in the Masonic community, especially in their Blue Lodges. One ambassador per Lodge.
    Contact: Mike Tims, 32° KCCH -

  • Retention Committee -  Responsible for contacting members showing loss of interest in the Scottish Rite
    Contact: Danny Tomlinson, 32° KCCH -

  • Mentor Committee -  Provides one-on-one guidance and information to incoming members
    Contact: Tom Gaffney, 32° KCCH -

  • Calling Committee -  Contacts members to promote fraternal relationships

Special Committees
  • Entertainment Committee -  Identiies and coordinates entertainment and educational presentations for stated meetings and special events
    Contact: Bill Achbach, 32° KCCH -

  • Food Service Committee -  Assists with preparing and serving food, and clean up
    Contact: Walt Martin, 33° -

  • Information Technology Committee -  Coordinates development and implementation of computer technology usage
    Contact: Mike Brewer, 32° KCCH -

  • Library Committee -  Maintains and updates Consistory library resources
    Contact: Hunter McCallum, 32° -

  • Life Membership Committee -  Monitors and reviews Life Membership investments and policies
    Contact: Robert Gregory, 33° -

  • Rite Works - Monthly Publication -  Coordinates and edits printed and electronic content of monthly newsletter
    Contact: Bill Hickey, 33° -

  • ROTC Committee (Americanism) -  Coordinates award presentations for the ROTC
    Contact: Tom Thompson, 33° -

  • Social Media Committee -  Produces and maintains Scottish Rite websites and social media platforms
    Contact: Dan Conway, 33° -

  • Public Relations Committee -  Establishes and maintains relationships with external media outlets
    Contact: Matt Raia, 33° -

  • Public Schools Committee -  Establishes and maintains interface with area public schools

  • Sojourners Committee -  Contacts Scottish Rite Masons in region who are not members of the Denver Scottish Rite to encourage participation in activities

  • Visitation Committee -  Researches, contacts, and visits sick and distressed members
    Contact: Jim Harris, 33° -

  • King Wheeler Committee -  Benevolent review committee by special request
    Contact: Gene Hardy, 33° -