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Dining & Menus

Plate of food resting on a table Stated Communication Dinners
Join us for a fully catered sit-down meal served before each stated communication for a cost of $25.00 per person. Advanced reservations are required and must be received by the Friday immediately preceeding the stated communication. Dinner reservations can be made by calling (303) 861-4261, or by clicking on one of the following links:

Make a Dinner Reservation via Online Purchase

Friday Lunches
Just about every Friday from 11:30am until 12:30pm the Denver Consistory offers an "all-you-can-eat" lunch for $13.00 per person. Please note that the first Friday of each month is normally the Denver Consistory special Fried Chicken lunch.

There are no reservations required unless you will be bringing a group, in which case we request a twenty-four hour notice prior to the lunch. Group lunch reservations can be made by calling (303) 861-4261, or via email by clicking on the following link:

  • March 2025
    • March 7 (Friday lunch) - Fried Chicken
    • March 14 (Friday lunch) - Chicken Patty Sandwiches
    • March 17 (Stated Dinner) - Corned Beef n Cabbage
    • March 21 (Friday lunch) - Beef Stroganoff
    • March 28 (Friday lunch) Bangers n Mash